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Dokumentasi BIPA

Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture (FBSB) UNY held a BIPA Training on 25-26 January 2024. The activity was held at the FBSB UNY campus, Suryomentaram Building, on the 1st floor, in the Cine Club room. The training was opened officially by the Dean of the Faculty of Languages, Arts and Culture, Prof. Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. The participants were BIPA teachers, both beginners and those who have taught BIPA before. The participants came from different educational backgrounds; some were from language, art, and others. Some participants are independent BIPA teachers in institutions/universities and BIPA activist students.

One of the critical factors in BIPA learning is the teacher. The teaching aspect will determine whether the BIPA program can run well and be fulfilling for the learners. BIPA teachers need to be upgraded in terms of knowledge and experience. On the other hand, language learning is inseparable from culture. BIPA teaching should be based on Indonesian culture so that BIPA learning becomes more targeted. The cultural base should be integrated into all aspects of learning, such as materials, learning models (language skills), media, and evaluation. BIPA teachers should be able to teach the Indonesian language and culture integratively. Therefore, this culture-based BIPA teacher training activity needs to be carried out.

The presenters or facilitators in this training are BIPA experts, BIPA teachers, practitioners, and managers who already have experience in the field of BIPA. This activity brought in 4 presenters. Agus Suhardjono, M.A. (Director of Wisma Bahasa Yogyakarta) gave material based on BIPA, the Basis of BIPA Teaching and Culture in BIPA. Dr. Ari Kusmiatun, M.Hum (Chairperson of APPBIPA Yogyakarta), gave material on Media in BIPA learning, Making BIPA RP, and Teaching BIPA Practices. Dr. Wira Kurniawati, M.A. (Coordinator of Inculs UGM) gave BIPA Writing Learning Strategies (Reading - Writing) material. Beniati Lestyarini, M.Pd. (Academic Coordinator of BIPA UNY) gave material on Oral BIPA Learning Strategies (Listening - Speaking) and BIPA Teaching Practices. This training was deliberately designed in the form of theories and practices so that participants could directly apply the material obtained during the activity. The output of this activity can increase participants' knowledge and skills in teaching culture-based BIPA.