Info Umum dan Keuangan


The "KINARYA" business unit of the Faculty of Languages, Arts and Culture of Yogyakarta State University was established in the 2000s. Offices in the PLA or M. Yamin Building, Floor 2, North Wing of the Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Culture of Yogyakarta State University. As soon as he stopped operating because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kinarya began to rise with a new spirit. Since March 2021, Kinarya himself has been headed by Dr. Yeni Artanti, S.Pd., M. Hum., who replaced Dr. Wien Pudji Priyanto Djuli Pitoyo, M. Pd., for entering full-time office, with Dekan SK No.

Latar Belakang

Unit Kinarya FBSB UNY berdiri pada tahun 2000an. Berkantor di Gedung PLA atau M. Yamin, Lantai II, Sayap Utara Fakultas Bahasa, Seni, dan Budaya Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sempat berhenti beroperasi karena pandemi Covid-19, Kinarya mulai bangkit dengan semangat baru. Sejak Maret 2021, Kinarya sendiri diketuai oleh Dr. Yeni Artanti, S.Pd., M. Hum., yang menggantikan Drs. Wien Pudji Priyanto Djuli Pitoyo, M. Pd., karena telah memasuki masa purna tugas, dengan SK Dekan No. 2.4/ UN34.12/ I /2021.
